Friday, May 8, 2009

Mothers Day Exclusive

Something you won't get anywhere else, the top 10 things to buy for Mothers Day.

10- Car- She will be very surprised with this, but enless you got money in the bank I doubt your Mom will be content with you spending thousands in this recession, even if it is for her.

9-Flowers- Although it may be played out its still a great way to show you care, I would also add something if you would like to save your life!

8.Breakfast in Bed - Give her that rich feeling, that she's king of the world for this day.

7- Puppy- Unconventional maybe, but puppy's can always make a smile with their cuteness even if your Mom ends up taking it back the next day.

6- Cards-Keep it simple a humerous or thoughtful card would do just fine, especially if you add something yourself aswell.

5- Cruise- Give her a cruise around the Carribeen to enjoy the time in life, after giving you life and giving 18 years to you, I think that would be appropriate.

4- Parfum- The best selling and most fond gift to give but no the best in my opinion. Yes it maybe great to get the Channel N5 etc. but if your getting it every year she'll get tired of it sometime.

3- Jewlery- Aww- Voulez-Vous- the most expensive gift could wow your Mother in a way she would have only dreamed of, but don't give anything fake. A mothers sense can pick out anything.

2- Spa Day- Take her to the Spa, where she can get Manicure, Pedicure etc. and make her feel like royalty.

1- In first place may just sound weird but TREAT HER FOR THE DAY! Just spend some quality time with her, make her feel like the way she felt when you were younger, because everybody knows once you've left the nest, the Mothers will feel it. 

In the end of it all it doesn't matter what you get, whether it would be number 1,5,6,8 or neither aslong as it come from the heart, thats all that matters.

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